Big Ideas Of Science
Subject Domains
- Analysis Tools
- Asteroid Belt
- Asteroids
- Astrometry
- Astronomical Objects And Their Characteristics
- Astronomy
- Astronomy Related Sciences And Fields Of Study
- Binary Stars
- Black Holes
- Circular Motion
- Colour
- Comets And Meteors
- Coordinates
- Cosmology
- Detectors
- Detectors: Ccd Camera
- Eclipses
- Effect And Phenomena
- Einstein Ring
- Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Elliptical Galaxy
- Extrasolar Planets
- Fields
- Forces And Motion
- Formation
- Galaxies And Dwarf Galaxies
- Galaxy Clusters
- Gamma Ray Bursts
- Gas (Astronomical Objects And Their Characteristics)
- Giants
- Globular Clusters
- Gravitational Field
- Gravitational Force And Gravity
- Gravitational Lenses
- Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
- Hii Region
- Intergalactic Medium
- Interstellar Medium
- Irregular Galaxy
- Jets
- Kuiper Belt Objects
- Light
- Light Curve
- Light Sources
- Main Sequence
- Mass Loss
- Microlensing Effect
- Milky Way
- Near-Earth Objects
- Nebula
- Neutron Stars
- Nucleosynthesis
- Observatories
- Online Laboratories
- Open Clusters
- Optics
- Orbit
- Period
- Physics
- Planetary Nebula
- Planets
- Properties Of Light - Generally
- Pulsars
- Quasars
- Redshift
- Reflection (Light)
- Remote Laboratories
- Rotation
- Sensors (Tools For Science)
- Solar System
- Spiral Galaxy
- Star Chart
- Stars
- Supernova
- Supernova Remnants
- Terms And Concepts
- Tools For Science
- Universal Law Of Gravitation
- Variable Stars
- Visible Light
- Waves
Average Learning Time
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O seguinte exercício pretende dar-te uma introdução ao conceito da morfologia das diferentes galáxias. Irás observar em detalhe imagens de inúmeras galáxias e irás tentar classificá-las de acordo com o Esquema de Classificação de Hubble. Mais ainda, irás tentar investigar a origem das formas das formas das galáxias que resultam da interações entre galáxias.
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