Big Ideas Of Science
Subject Domains
- Environmental Education
- Climate
- Climatic Phenomenon (Climate)
- Meteorology (Climate)
- Energy
- Natural Resources (Energy)
- Electrical Energy
- Nuclear Energy
- Renewable Energy
- Environment
- Natural Resources (Environment)
- Ecosystem (Environment)
- Environmental Education (Environment)
- Environmental Protection
- Geophysical Environment
- Forest
- Forestry
- Environmental Protection
- Greenhouse Effect (Environmental Protection)
- Ecology
- Environmental Education (Environmental Protection)
- Education For Sustainable Development
- Pollution
- Natural Resources
- Renewable Energy (Natural Resources)
- Environment
- Gas (Natural Resources)
- Oil (Natural Resources)
- Physics
- Geography And Earth Science
- Earth Science
- Greenhouse Effect (Earth Science)
- Atmospheric Phenomenon
- Climate (Earth Science)
- Climatic Phenomenon (Earth Science)
Average Learning Time
Works Offline
Negutegi Efektuko Gasen isurketa eta finkapen simulagailuarekin jolastuz, etorkizuneko agertoki desberdinak aurreikusteko esperimentazio gunea. Simulagailuak klima aldaketari aurre egiteko mitigazio estrategien eraginak aztertzea eta ebaluatzea ahalbidetzen du.
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